
Um comboio que anda sempre,
sempre à mesma velocidade,
debaixo de um túnel,
luz de uma só intensidade,
as colunas regularmente espaçadas,
todas as janelas fechadas,
é tudo sempre igual.
Vou contando de dois em dois,
ouço sempre os mesmos sons,
nada é original,
é tudo, tudo, sempre igual.


«It feels like we’re ready to crack these days, you and I. When it’s just the two of us, only the two of us, I could die. You left my heart like an abandoned car, old and worn and no use at all, but I used to be free. We’re gonna separate ourselves tonight, we’re always running scared but holding knives. But there’s a black chandelier, it’s casting shadows and lies»


You're up and you'll get down, you're never running from this town. And I think you said you'll never get anything better than this, 'cause you're going round in circles and everyone knows you're troubled. 'Cause you read it in a big book and now you're giving me the look, look, but just remember how we shook, shook and all the things we took, took. This town is the oldest friend of mine.

magoito, iv

Cannon A-1

magoito, III

Cannon A-1

magoito, II

Cannon A-1

magoito, I

Cannon A-1

em agosto

Cannon A-1